The Guardian Mikhail Read online

Page 8

  I nodded, and together, we ran through the outskirts of the guards. One of them caught onto us and charged. I raised my hand, sending him soaring through the coming crowd and into a wall with a sickening crack. The others looked his way and made a move on us, but we dashed through the back door and out into the open. Rhett was right behind us, and, as we ran, he caught up and took Mikhail’s free hand.

  Once again, we were sent flying through a portal, but this time it felt different and it took longer. I watched the ground turn into a blur as we soared over the open sea, and over houses that quickly turned into a colorful, but indistinguishable, ball. When we finally came crashing back down to Earth, I fell onto the ground and recognized the house immediately. We were back at my childhood home, but for some reason, we hadn’t made it inside. Instead, we were in the front yard and drawing the attention of a few nosy neighbors.

  “Mikhail, look,” I whispered. Rhett was lying next to us, breathing but unconscious.

  “Help me get him inside, Veronica.”

  I grabbed the fae’s arm and drug him to the door. Fishing around under the mat, I pulled out my mother’s spare key, and we tumbled through the entrance. Mikhail pulled Rhett over his shoulder, and flopped his body down onto the couch before kneeling next to him.

  “Is he okay?” I asked, breathlessly.

  Mikhail shook his head. “I don’t know. Bringing all of us through the portal took too much out of him. I don’t know what to do.”

  Footsteps from behind us made both of us spin around. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw the familiar face looking back at me.

  “Mom! I thought you were in Mexico until June,” I stammered.

  She looked past me to Rhett. “You need a healing fae. I can help.”

  Chapter Nine: Veronica

  My mother walked past me to where Mikhail was kneeling down. He had the same stunned look on his face that I had. She sat the cup of coffee in her hand down and placed her palms on Rhett. I saw Mikhail shift uncomfortably behind her, unsure if he should trust her or not. I went to him and wrapped my hand into his, looking up into his eyes and doing my best to calm his nerves.

  “Mom, you said he needed a healing fae, what were you talking about?” I asked softly.

  She shook her head. “I will explain everything later, Veronica, but right now, your friend needs my help. Go into the kitchen and find the blue jar that your father always kept hidden.”

  I was confused, but I didn’t press the subject. I knew where to look for it. Once, as a teen, I had opened the mason jar, and taken a whiff of the potent concoction. The smell alone was enough to make someone sick. My mother had never thrown the jar away but I also never saw her drink it. Grabbing a small glass, I jogged back into the living room and handed her both.

  She poured a small amount into the glass and started to chant words that weren’t English. As she did, she lifted Rhett’s head up and poured the alcohol down his throat. Within seconds, he bolted up, chocking and coughing while he grabbed his chest.

  “Shh, it’s okay, friend. You are in a safe house. Lay back down, okay? We almost lost you there.”

  Rhett gazed at my mother in awe. “You are Lady Balinte!”

  She grinned. “We can talk about that after you have had some rest, friend. Whatever you were up to, you almost killed yourself in the process. Regain your strength. I promise that you will not be hunted here.”

  My mother stood back up and ushered Mikhail and I out of the room before closing the door behind us. She held out her hand to Mikhail.

  “Geneva, and just who are you, shifter? Why are you with my daughter? I assure you, she will not be going with you. I know your kind.”

  “Mikhail of the Drakon family. Thank you for your help with Rhett. I believe his powers were depleted trying to bring all three of us back from Rome. I mean Veronica no harm. Quite the opposite actually.”

  My mother raised an eyebrow. “Rome? Just what were you doing there, Veronica? Why are you with these men? A shifter and a fae.”

  I smiled at Mikhail. “Mom, a lot has happened in the last few days that we need to talk about actually, but I’m more interested in why you just gave Rhett Dad’s old moonshine and how exactly it brought him back from the brink.”

  “Ah, yes. That. Well, honey, I guess you could say that we haven’t always been totally honest with you. You see, your father and I both came from a lineage of fae. Our kind weren’t full-blooded, though, and when our people discovered that together we could create a powerful child, they quickly arranged for us to be married.”

  “So, I am a fae?” I asked in shock.

  She nodded. “In a sense. You are not like your friend there. I’m not actually sure what he is. He is stronger than us for certain, but when we realized that our people only wanted to use your power, we quickly left.”

  “So, you disappeared? Then you can help us disappear again! Mikhail and I love each other, but he was supposed to marry another.”

  “You don’t need to run, honey. Anyone who is fool enough to mess with you will quickly realize their mistake. You may not be as powerful as a full-fledged fae, but you have something on your side that is a rare form of magic. I’m guessing it’s the same reason you were able to portal your friend there home also.”


  “True love.”

  “Right!” exclaimed Mikhail, making me jump. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it before! True love is fabled to be the strongest magic of all, but that theory was never tested by dragon shifters. Our kind doesn’t marry for love; they marry for treaties so that we never risk death.”

  “Oh, no,” I muttered. “I hadn’t thought about that. What happens when I grow old and die? Won’t you do so also?”

  Mikhail smiled and squeezed my hand. “No, my love. It’s actually the opposite. You will inherit my immortality.”

  “Really? How is that possible?”

  “Through the bonding ritual. Of course, we will have to find a fae willing to do it. It’s not customarily done for crossing species unless its approved by the federation.”

  My mother snorted. “The Federation. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard that name. They are a bunch of fools. I’m not surprised that your kind is losing grip with the rule of the world. They can’t open their eyes and see that things are changing. You two aren’t the first to fall in love, and you won’t be the last, I can promise you that.”

  Mikhail nodded. “I, too, have known others who have fallen in love. Unfortunately, they didn’t get the chance to live out their lives like us.”

  “It’s a damn shame, but I am so happy for you, child,” said my mother as she wrapped me into her arms. “Now, I want to hear all about what has happened in the last few days. It sounds like you’ve had quite an adventure!”

  I laughed and followed her into the kitchen, but Mikhail pulled me back. “Do you mind if I stay with Rhett while you two talk? I don’t want him to wake up and be alone. I don’t know how much he remembers.”

  I nodded and stood up on the tips of my toes to kiss him. Even the chaste little peck made my body stir with desire. He sucked in a sharp breath, and I knew that he felt the passionate desire also. It was wonderful to be in love and finally out of danger.


  “There you have it,” I said as I finished the story.

  “Wow,” muttered my mom. “I can’t believe everything you’ve been through! And you said it was the memory of us when you were sixteen that triggered all this?”

  I nodded. “There is just one thing that I don’t understand. If you have powers and Dad did too, why didn’t he just get out of the accident before he died?”

  She closed her eyes and shuddered. I knew that she hated talking about my father’s death, but I needed to know what really happened.

  “You father’s accident was no mistake. The Federation found out that we were still alive, and worse, that you had inherited our powers. They wanted us to bring you in and be a pawn for them. They wanted t
o study how two people who weren’t full fae could create a fae that could see the future. So, your father went on the run, and they assumed that you were with him. When he died, you died along with him.”

  “But my powers…I didn’t start seeing the future until I was in college. What changed? That’s when Mikhail came looking for me and the others, too.”

  “That’s because you weren’t home anymore to drink my coffee. I’m so sorry, honey, but I’ve been giving you a powerful potion for most of your life. As soon as we realized what the Federation was willing to do to get their hands on you, I knew it was the only way to protect you.”

  “So when I moved away, the magic came back?” I asked.

  She nodded and sipped her coffee. My mind was once again spinning, but at the same time, everything made more sense than it had for most of my life. I always felt like I was different, like I was something other than human, but I just assumed it was like every other little girl’s dream to be a magical princess. I never could have guessed that the magic I would dream about was real. Now that the truth was out, I could recall memories from before my father’s death when I was angry. Suddenly, an idea struck me.

  “What about the rain?” I asked.

  She laughed. “That was all you! You had spent the night at your friend’s house, and when you came home you were so upset that I didn’t want to try and force you to drink your tea that I had the potion in. After you fell asleep that night, I gave it to you, but I was worried there for a little while that you were going to bring down the whole house. Even then, you have powers to be reckoned with.”

  “Daddy died for me,” I whispered.

  She reached her hand across the table and took mine. “We both would have willingly died if it meant that you had a chance at a normal life. You have no idea what you are getting yourself into. Even if your bond with Mikhail is strong and you are tied together, the Federation will never stop hunting you. They will learn about your powers and find a way to work around them.”

  “Then we will take them down,” came Mikhail’s voice from behind me.

  I turned and smiled at him. “I think we should have a backup plan. No offense, Mikhail, but taking on an ancient organization of dragons doesn’t seem like an easy feat.”

  “Not alone, but I don’t think that will be the case. We can find others. I know that we are not the only ones that hold a grudge against the Federation. Geneva, you said it yourself that they were an outdated concept.”

  “I did, but that doesn’t mean that I think you should go running off and putting my daughter’s life in danger again,” my mom shot back.

  “Geneva, I have met many people on my travels. I have done unspeakable things in the name of the Federation. I know the sheer numbers of those who are opposed to their rule.”

  “Yes, but what makes you think that you can unite them? How many of them would be willing to die for your cause?”

  “I don’t know. I believe that would be the first leg of the journey for us. We would need to speak to those who have expressed their desires.”

  “You wouldn’t be the first to try a rebellion, and the others have failed,” my mother muttered.

  “But how many dragons have started such a rebellion?”

  “None that I know of. Look at all the others, though, and what would happen to the different factions? Who would govern them? The vampires would run rampant and drain the blood of the innocent. The werewolves would take over entire cities, and the fae would never be seen again.”

  “We would govern, together and united as a whole. The way that it was meant to be. Mother Earth never intended for dragons to rule.”

  “Then you have my blessing, but so help me God, if one hair on my daughter’s head is harmed, you will suffer for it.”

  Mikhail looked at me, wrapping his arm around my waist. “I promise you, I will never let anything happen to her. She is the love of my life.”

  I saw the tears glistening in my mother’s eyes. “Then go. Both of you go and change the world. Your friend is safe here, and I will send him to you as soon as he is well.”

  I couldn’t stop myself from crying at the suddenness of the change that was happening. Walking away from Mikhail, I pulled my mother into a strong embrace.

  “I love you so much, Mother. I promise you that we will make this a better place for all of us.”

  “I know you will, Veronica. You were destined to change the world. Now go before I change my mind and lock you in the basement instead.”

  Laughing, I took Mikhail’s hand. “Ready for our first solo portal travel?”

  “I would follow you anywhere, woman.”

  “To the cottage?” I asked with a sly grin.

  He nodded his head. “I think that’s a great plan.”

  I closed my eyes and focused on our destination, knowing that our future, and our love, were waiting for us. Before long, Rhett would join us, and we would set out to find the grassroots of our very own rebellion. The world was waiting for us, and together, we were going to bring down the dark Federation that had controlled it for far too long.


  Two days later, we were standing in front of Rhett with a small circle of friends by our side. The scene reminded me of a medieval film where the high count married a young woman in the secret of night. My mother stood by my side, her eyes, once again, glistening with tears. My hands were wrapped around Mikhail’s, a single strand of silver binding us together. I had been told what the ceremony would be like, but I was still nervous to some degree.

  Rhett cleared his throat and spoke, “Mikhail, of the house of Drakon. You are here of your own accord to be bound to this fae. Do you understand this?”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, the door to our small home burst open. Mikhail jumped in front of me protectively as the smoke settled and we saw who was standing at the entrance. It was a man that I had learned to loathe. He had been responsible for ripping us apart before, and I wouldn’t let that happen again. A low growl rose in my throat. It was protective and instinctual.

  “What are you doing here, Father?” hissed Mikhail, still blocking me from the intruder.

  “Your binding ceremony is something of an interest for the Federation. If I am not mistaken, this wasn’t sanctioned by the Director. Actually, I think he would be rather thrilled to know that I have found you.”

  “You won’t live long enough to tell him,” my mother shot back at him.

  He raised his hands. “I think you all have misunderstood me. I did not come here to disrupt the ceremony. I have come to see my son bound to this woman.”

  Mikhail’s father stepped over to us. “I was wrong to stand in your way before, Mikhail. I see that now. I was already trying to plan an escape for you when your young lover here came to your rescue. Son, I want to join your rebellion.”

  “Why should we trust you?” asked Mikhail.

  “Consider my heart, Veronica. Tell me if I am being truthful,” he said to me.

  I looked at Mikhail and nodded to him. Gazing into the eyes of his father, I searched for the truth. I had honed my skills and no longer needed to touch another to read their thoughts and destiny. When I saw what he had planned, I gasped. He saw the world as a free place, with no Federation or dragon rule to cripple them any longer. Hand in hand, the fae and vampires walked. Werewolves and dragons bonded as friends. It was a world that I wanted for myself and for others. The sight made my heart weep with joy for all of us.

  “He is telling the truth, Mikhail. He just wants to be a part of our lives and of the rebellion. He has a pure heart, one of the purest that I have ever seen before.”

  Mikhail smiled. “Then you are welcome in our home, Father. It’s a pleasure to have you. I look forward to having your wisdom and insight in the coming months.”

  His father bowed and moved away to stand next to my mother. She smiled at him, kind and forgiving as she had always been to those who needed her help. In this instance, Mikhail’s father
needed our trust and understanding, both things that I was willing to give him wholeheartedly. I saw something else, too, something that I wouldn’t share with Mikhail yet. There was a future between his father and my mother, a bond that they hadn’t even yet seen. The sight made me smile with pure joy as Rhett cleared his throat once again for silence.

  “Now,” asked Rhett, “where were we? Mikhail, of the house of Drakon. You are here of your own accord to be bound to this fae. Do you understand this?”

  Mikhail smiled. “Yes. I give myself and my immortality willingly to this woman.”

  “And Veronica, daughter of Geneva, do you understand that you are taking the immortality of Mikhail, son of the house of Drakon. To live forever as his mate and life partner, to never break the bond of loyalty that you are binding to him now?”

  I nodded. “Yes, I give myself willingly to him. I take his immortality, and, in trade, give him my life for as long as we are together.”

  “This silver binds together the two households, a bond that can never be broken by man or beast. Together, you will create a new house that shall be known as Falcon, the House of protection. The majestic bird shall be your sign of unity in power on your journey to free those from the binds that hold us together. Is this acceptable to you both?”

  In unison, we both said, “Yes.”

  “Let it be known to all who are here, bear witness to the joining of these two!” called out Rhett.

  Mikhail pulled me to his chest and lowered his head to mine. The playful glint that he had was mimicked by my own. There was nothing in the world that could take us away from each other. Closing my eyes, I let his lips capture mine in a passionate kiss as our new family erupted into cheers of approval. We had the rest of our lives to be together, and I couldn’t have been happier.

  ***THE END***

  Cole (Bonus)

  Dragons of Umora Book 1

  Sarah J. Stone

  Chapter 1

  You are not my son.

  Those were the most devastating words he could think of. He would rather hear that his parents were dead, that his older brothers, the Crown Prince and the Duke, had disowned him. Anything but the fact that he was not who he thought he was.


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