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- Sarah J. Stone
A Wolf's Love (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 5)
A Wolf's Love (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 5) Read online
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Book 1: The Missing Queen
Book 2: The Ripple Effect
Book 3: The Lost Tiro
Book 4: The Long Journey
Book 5: The Final Leg
A Wolf’s Love
Wolf Mountain Peak 5
Sarah J. Stone
Copyright and Disclaimer
Copyright © 2017 by Sarah J. Stone
In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.
This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
Website: www.sarahjstone.com
Title Page
Copyright and Disclaimer
A Wolf’s Love
Witch Academy Box Set (1-5)
Special Invitation
More From The Author
Chapter One
“Helena Lockhart: the woman who has been guide and aide, every step of the way, towards our happiness. She’s my town’s protector; my family’s guardian angel.”
Helena’s heroism, her act of self-sacrifice, swirled about in Raul’s mind, long after his family’s unfortunate encounter with Azazel. He hadn’t expecteds anything less from her. The witch had proven herself invaluable in the past, more than once. Still, he couldn’t help but admire her, and feel even closer to her. His grandfather’s old fling had become like a mother to him and his siblings. Now, Raul felt duty-bound to honor her, other than just naming his unborn daughter after her. Of course, this task seemed impossible. The Alpha could build a shrine for Helena and proclaim her Paxton’s only goddess, but it still would not be enough. Why shouldn’t he? In the time he had known her, she had managed to become a legend, a myth that would be remembered, whose tales would pass on from one generation to another. Raul might have been the Alpha, the leader of his pack; but, without her, his reign would not have lasted long. His whole family would be dead, and his beloved birthplace would be in ashes.
After careful consideration, the Alpha finally came up with an idea that would do – some – justice to Helena. He would not announce it to anybody just yet, not even Monica, his mate. Instead, Raul chose to organize an event by Clover Lake, and invite the entire town, in order to honor their benefactor.
Small, red, white and blue flags, hanging on trees, were waving in the wind, as the residents poured in, on that crisp, late-September night. All of them were questioning each other, speculating on what their leader had in mind. Raul climbed onto the podium’s platform as his eyes began to sweep the gathering crowd, and still he wondered if the gesture he had in mind would suffice. A broad smile formed on his face as he noticed two parents holding their young children by their hands. Yes, he and Helena had saved those souls, but that was not the only reason behind his smile. He had been dreaming of being a father with his own children one day, and that day was not too far off. Very soon he would experience the joys of parenthood himself. Monica sauntered towards him, as his siblings and their mates took their seats in the front raw.
“I heard a few people saying that you were renaming Paxton to Helenaville, as we made our way over,” she murmured, her eyes glinting with mischief, as she stepped onto the platform. “An elderly woman professed that you would offer up Warrick’s mansion to Helena, too.”
“It did cross my mind,” Raul admitted with a cheerful nod, as he turned his attention to his mate. “But, Helena’s not a big fan of luxury.”
“She might be old, but she’s still a woman, and women love luxury,” stated Monica, giving voice to her opinion, as she turned around to face the crowd. “Believe me; if anybody gave me a mansion like that, I would be ecstatic.”
“I’ll tell her, but I doubt she’ll want to move in there,” Raul replied assuredly, as he assumed a more serious tone. Suddenly, the chattering among the crowd ceased almost altogether, as most of the bystanders turned their gazes to the trees on the right. Loud cheers, along with a long round of applause, filled the air, as Helena emerged from the forest, wearing a red evening gown and her brightest smile. Bowing before them, she turned right, and then began to wave at the crowd, as she made her way to the podium.
“Your idea was brilliant,” Monica commented, also clapping her hands, as she leaned over to speak to her mate. “Look at her; she’s overcome with joy.”
There were several ways in which Raul could respond to her comment: nodding in agreement, or gloating, to name a couple. But, she was not telling him anything he didn’t know already, and he wasn’t his youngest brother. The Alpha chose to keep his silence, watching as Helena closed the distance, savoring the moment. Staring at the woman who had been like a mother to him and his family, Raul felt chills creeping up his spine. He opened his arms, and welcomed her with a warm embrace, as she joined him and Monica at the podium.
“Thank you so much for this,” Helena whispered, as the sound of the applause turned into a rumbling roar. “It’s a great honor.”
“It’s the least I could do,” Raul muttered, as she eased back out of his embrace. “Ladies and gentlemen…” He put much more force in his voice, as his gaze returned to the crowd. “Thank you for attending this joyous occasion. You all know who we are celebrating. You are all very aware of what Helena Lockhart has done to protect our town. And…” He drew in a sharp breath before continuing. “She calls the woods ‘home’. That’s where we found each other, a few months ago. It’s this special relationship that gave me the idea for this night. It is with great pride that I now announce to you that as of this day, the forest around Paxton shall be called ‘Lockhart’ forest.”
Once again, a polite round of applause ripped through the atmosphere, as Helena raised both of her hands to cover her mouth. Monica threw her right arm around her shoulders, and pulled her in for a side hug, as Raul cast a warm, sideways glance down at her.
“It isn’t much, I know,” He went on, lowering his tone. “This is why I’ve decided to allow her to use Warrick’s mansion. He didn’t have any descendants. That place has been deserted since his death.”
“Raul…” The featheriness in Helena’s voice vanished, as she slid her hands down her face. It cracked, as she stepped beside the Alpha, her gaze roaming over the bystanders. “People of Paxton, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for this initiative,” she continued, leaning her elbows on the stand before her. “Naming this magnificent forest after me is an honor I cannot put into words. Thank you very much for the opportunity to live in your deceased Alpha’s manor, but I will have to decline. I have no need for a luxurious home.
My home is the heart of the Bradford’s. Protecting them, as well as their town, is my sole desire. That is what makes my decision…” she stopped and sucked in a deep, cleansing breath, as she dropped her gaze down to the stand; “…all the more difficult.” A wave of unrest descended upon the crowd, as she uttered that last phrase. People started to look at one another, as low chatter rose above the silence. Raul glanced down at Monica, yet, her face was just as contorted with confusion as his own. “Your Alpha believes that I am the savior of Paxton. I may have helped in certain situations, but, the truth is, I wouldn’t have, if it wasn’t for him. Had he not destroyed the tyrant that had plagued your town, I would have remained hidden in the shadows. He encouraged me to step into the light. After that, I just did what my heart thought was right. I…” She paused, and brought her gaze down to Dean, Ray and Melissa. “I assisted my dear children in finding true love. Now that they have, my work here is done.”
“Done?” Raul exclaimed, as his brows popped up. “What are you talking about, Helena?”
“You know of what I speak, Raul,” Helena murmured, turning to him, as tears welled up in her eyes. “You are happy; all of you are,” she whispered, lifting her left hand up to his face. “That was all I ever intended for you. I can retire, blissful that you do not need me anymore. I will always love you, no matter what. Again, thank you for putting this together.”
“Dean, Ray, Melissa…” she interrupted Raul, turning her head to the left to face his siblings, as a tear streamed down her cheek. “Take good care of each other, like you always have. I bid you, all, my fondest farewell. Goodbye.”
It was in that moment that Ray felt his world tumbling down around him. Helena, the co-protector of his realm, plainly vanished into thin air, without allowing him any time to ask her why she had reached that decision, avoiding the awkward conversation that would follow. This time, her departure was not signaled by any plumes of smoke. The witch was gone, stunning him to stillness, leaving him in awe, frustration and sheer confusion. Just like that, Helena had fled out of Paxton and out of his life.
Chapter Two
Later that night, Raul was still struggling to come to grips with the witch’s choice. In his mind, it made no sense whatsoever. Only weeks ago, they had emerged victorious from the greatest battle of their lives. Helena had found herself on the brink of death, but she had survived. Why would she decide to disappear, when everything suggested that their turmoil was finally over? Why would she abandon Paxton, now that the Bradford’s had disposed of all of their troubles? If anything, she should be determined to stay in their town, and enjoy the fruits of their efforts. According to her, his family was her home. One had to have a very good reason to leave their home, and he was completely clueless about hers.
Speechless, he held Monica by the hand, as they neared his cabin. None of his siblings was in a talkative mood, either, a clear sign that they shared his concern. But, when Raul’s ears picked up Kate’s voice, it gave him an idea. Helena had been her tutor for months, studying her legacy with her, teaching her the secrets of witchcraft. The two of them had been spending much more time together, and were reasonably tighter. If anybody had a clue about Helena’s decision, it had to be Kate. Still, before he could address her, Dean’s mate lengthened her strides. The sensation of a piece of paper in his left hand forced him to draw his attention away from his front yard.
“She asked me to give this to you,” Kate stated, as she stepped in front of him. Raul unfolded the letter with clumsy fingers, deep down hoping that Helena had played a practical joke on him.
“My dear Raul,
Life can be so unpredictable sometimes. If anyone told me that I would be writing this letter to you, on the eve after the battle against Azazel, I would call them ‘insane.’ I would not even dream of leaving Paxton or my loved ones behind. Alas, I have no choice. Please, bear with me.
I still recall my own words, when I ran into you and Monica by the lake: ‘An inamorated couple; a timeless sight.’ And you two most certainly were. I could tell by the way you looked at one another. You found your mate. You held on to her, because she was special. So did Dean, Ray and Melissa for that matter. My mission was just that: to help you find what I never could: true love; happiness. In the process, we all went through hardships. Our struggles wearied me, they almost claimed my life, but make no mistake: I have no regrets. If I could turn back the passing of time, I would do it all over again, even if that meant putting my life on the line once more. Still, our struggles took a toll on me. I’m old, Raul. I have been persecuted, wrongfully accused, mocked, and laughed at as if I were a joke. I have had my share of war and turmoil. To be honest, I cannot go on. It is not just a matter of physical strength. My psyche has been weakened. I don’t know how much more I can take. This may be hard for a 30-year old man like you to understand, but it’s the truth. I’m not running from you or your siblings. I just need a holiday; a long holiday. Don’t ask how long. I don’t know. I would love to tell you that I will be back in a week or two, but, the truth is, I need more than a few weeks to clear my mind.
Take care of your brothers and sister for me. And, when little Helena is born, give her a big kiss from me. It is killing me inside that I won’t be there to witness the birth of your daughter, my dear Alpha. I was so excited when Monica told me about your decision to name her after me. But, staying in Paxton doesn’t allow all those nasty memories to fade.
“When Helena is born?” Raul whispered, clutching the letter firmly in his grasp, as he raised his eyes to meet Kate’s gaze. “Monica’s due in February. She’s going to be gone that long?”
“I’m afraid it’s a lot worse than that,” Kate sighed, tearing her gaze away from his, as Monica squeezed his hand into her palm. “She made me promise not to say this, but, um…”
“But?” Monica interjected, her lips trembling, as she leaned closer to her friend.
“She may not come back: ever.” Kate replied, shifting her gaze to Monica, as her voice lowered to a soft whisper. “She told me that yesterday, when I caught her crying over a picture of you and Monica. I thought she was overreacting, so I confronted her. She gave it up pretty easily.”
“Where in the world is she going?” Monica asked while snorting back a sob. Raul ran his hand through his hair.
“She wouldn’t say.” Kate’s response made Raul’s heart sink. Despair crashed down on him like a tidal wave, forcing him to tear his gaze away from her. Biting his lower lip, he closed his eyes, recollecting their first encounter in the forest. But, in a matter of seconds, dozens of images stormed into his mind, sending his heart into a downward spiral. The revelation of the prophecy that included him and Monica, the battle against Marianne McIntyre, happy, cheerful moments of him and his mate chatting with her, as well as the night that they had almost lost her, brought tears to his eyes. He couldn’t believe that this night could well be the last time he would ever see the woman that he owed his life to, the witch largely responsible for his happiness. Raul realized that knowing the reason of her departure was not so important after all. Helena was gone. Why she was gone did not matter. It shattered his heart into a million pieces nonetheless. His teeth snarled, as a low growl rumbled in his throat. The wolf within him was aching, desperate to declare his agony to the world. His world: the world of the wolf; one that he would now have to protect without her. A single word echoed in his chest, picking up more and more volume by the second.
Unwilling to resist the primal instinct that overwhelmed him, Raul tossed the letter down on the ground. He couldn’t find comfort in the company of his family, or his mate. Relinquishing control to the beast seemed like his best option. A sprint across the woods, and a hair-raising howl would act like medicine to his hurting soul. Bones cracked and rippled, as his human ears were replaced by the wolf’s ears. Dark-gray fur sprouted from the back of his neck, as his hips reshape
d. Fangs lengthened, as his legs shortened and thinned. The wolf let out a painful yip, before it flipped around. Any words by Monica passed him unheard. His initial thought was to revisit Warrick’s abandoned manor, but he quickly rejected that notion. He wanted to get on higher ground; much higher ground. For him, there was only one place suitable for his outburst: his grandfather’s sanctuary, up on the hillside.
Within seconds, the voices of his loved ones faded, as he put distance between himself and them. Now, all he could hear was his massive paws, crushing twigs and brush alike, as he galloped across Lockhart forest. Lockhart… Helena’s last name and the name that was guaranteed to haunt his mind from that day henceforth. The trees became a blur, a nuisance, obstacles he had to avoid, in order to reach his destination. The wolf loped past balsam fir and cedar, unable to cease recalling his benefactor’s speech. And how could he not do so? Sooner or later, that feathery voice would become a thing of the past, a mere memory of a loved one. Helena’s curvaceous form would linger in his mind, vividly reminding him how wrong his grandfather had been to break up with her. She was a gem, a raw, uncut diamond that was thrown in his way, shielding him from harm.
The ground beneath his paws hardened as he sped out of the edge of the forest. Raul’s gray wolf didn’t need to shift his gaze from the hillside that towered over him to know that he was running on bare rocks. The sharp edges that scratched the hard skin on his paws were more than enough evidence. A starry, yet moonless sky filled his eyes, as he looked up. Spurred on by the sea of sadness that had been coursing through his veins, the lupine barked out, settling his gaze on the gate of his grandfather’s sanctuary. He jumped over one small bush after another, shortening his strides, as Helena’s red eyes flashed through his mind: the eyes of an angel that would no longer protect him or his town.
The gray wolf padded up and onto the ledge, as the sound of his racing heartbeat filled his ears. He turned around, and glanced down at his birthplace. The lights in his siblings’ cabins and his were out, unlike most of the lights in Paxton. A few of them flickered before his eyes, and had he been in human form, a tear would have rolled down his cheek. The beast lazily shut them both, wishing that this fate had not befallen him. He had to be strong, much stronger than he had been so far. But now, he couldn’t keep the pain that had been gnawing away at him inside. The agony that scorched his insides, upon Kate’s revelations could not be kept at bay. His howl of sorrow rose tremendously, reverberating through the night, as he threw his head back. Though a part of him wished for tears to spill from his eyes, all that remained was his own howl fading into nothingness. So, having no tears, he let loose, once more, the most pain ridden, and grief-stricken howl.