A Wolf's Love (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 5) Page 6
“Oh, my God…” Helena helplessly whispered, jumping from her chair’s seat, her gaze locked on Raul. Opening her arms, she trotted off towards him, as an even hotter breeze blew through their hair. The Alpha parted his lips, in an attempt to speak. Yet, the sea of emotion that flooded his heart, took away his ability to make a sound. In an instant, he sensed tears rising up in his eyes. Helena crushed into his embrace, slamming her head onto his chest, just before he snaked his arms around her back.
“You thought we wouldn’t find you?” Raul asked, his voice shaking, as he struggled to fight back the tears.
“I’m sorry, Raul,” Helena sniffled, flexing her arms around him. “I had to do this.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry about,” he whispered, bending his head down to plant a kiss on the top of her head. “I know.”
“Thank you,” she sighed, easing back out of his hold.
“It’s wonderful to see you again, Helena,” Monica said, brushing past her mate. “God, we’ve all missed you so much,” she went on, curling her arms around the witch’s shoulder.
“I’ve missed you, too,” Helena whispered, snorting back a sob, as the two of them exchanged a cordial hug.
“There’s someone we’d like you to meet,” Raul insisted, bending his knees beside the stroller. “I’m sorry, sweetheart” he murmured, lowering his tone while reaching towards his sleeping, baby daughter. “Helena…” He paused, sliding his palms under the infant’s back. “This is Helena,” he continued, picking the little girl up.
“Oh, dear,” and a sigh of astonishment fled the witch’s lips as she wiped the tears off of her face. “She’s so tiny,” she added, reaching towards the baby girl to take her in her embrace. “It’s so good to meet you, my sweet little girl,” Helena spoke, her voice thick with emotion, as a tear streamed down her cheek. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there when you were born.”
“Ok, enough with the apologies,” Raul interjected, a hint of annoyance in his baritone. “How are you? How’s life treating you?”
“Jamaica is heaven on Earth.” Helena replied, raising her gaze up to meet his. “Life is so peaceful here. Things move along slowly, a lot slower than I could have ever imagined. Honestly, I love it. I’m still getting used to the locals’ lazy accent, but I think I’ll manage. What about your brothers? What about the girls? How are they?”
“They’re all doing great,” Raul nodded, unable to stop smiling. “And all of it is by the courtesy of you.”
“You’re exaggerating,” Helena rejected that notion. “I didn’t do anything alone. Oh, crap…” she squeezed her eyes shut, cocking her head in frustration. “Where are my manners? Let’s go inside. Follow me.”
“Actually, I’d rather stay here,” the Alpha voiced his objection, rolling his head around to catch another glimpse of the magnificent view. “This is all new to me.”
“In that case, there are a few plastic chairs out back,” Helena returned the smile, raising her arm to point at the upper left corner of the property. Raul left them alone, and started off in that direction, wondering at the same time how he should now proceed. If anything, he would have to be subtle. Phrasing his sentences was crucial. An abrupt response or an angry glare would be enough to ignite a fire that he would be unable to put out.
“Respect, Raul.” He thought to himself, heading back to her pool, with two, white chairs in his hands. “If you show her the necessary respect, you’ll have nothing to worry about.”
“Here you are,” he said, watching the two women laugh heartily as he set them down on the floor. “What did I miss?”
“Monica was telling me about the day she went into labor,” Helena chuckled, turning to him. “You told your brother she’d eaten the baby?”
“Something like that,” Raul gave a short laugh, sitting down next to her. “It’s gruesome, I know, but he totally deserved it. I mean, we’d just arrived at the hospital.”
“I wish I had been there with you,” Helena sighed, assuming a more serious tone. “I just…”
“Please, don’t start again,” He requested, lifting his hand up to his chest: “It is water under the bridge.”
“So…” the witch drew in a sharp breath, as she interlocked her fingers over her stomach. “How are things in Paxton? Is there anything I should know about?”
“Monica’s ex is trying to trap my wolf,” Raul announced, as a sarcastic smile formed on his face. “The other night, he shot a deer, thinking I’d be drawn to its smell. A black bear family showed up instead. He’s still running.”
“People,” Helena scoffed, shaking her head in disapproval. “Their stupidity never ceases to amaze me.”
“There’s more,” he stated, propping his elbows on his thighs, as he leaned closer to her. “A couple of days ago, I saw someone in my yard. She was a little taller than you: red hair; same complexion; pretty young looking; she said her name was Donna. She claimed to be your niece.”
“My what?” Helena raised an eyebrow.
“You heard me,” he addressed her in a stiffer tone. “Was she telling the truth?”
“I did have a brother,” she confessed, dropping her gaze from him. “He and I had a huge fight, when he discovered I was practicing witchcraft. He wouldn’t forgive me, not even when I told him I would stop. He left Paxton, back in 1939. We never spoke since. But, you said she’s young. That’s impossible, unless…”
“She’s a witch,” Raul finished her sentence, a touch of tension in his voice. “She was looking for you. She even asked if she could spend the night in my cabin, but I said ‘no.’ I had no way of verifying her claims.”
“You did the right thing,” Helena gave him an appraising nod. “Have Kate investigate her. Who knows? Maybe she’ll turn out to be a better protector of Paxton than I ever was.”
“You know you’re a lot more than just a protector. You’re family,” Raul emphasized the last word, as his eyes flashed with warmth. “Honestly though, I don’t understand you. I just told you your blood is in town, and all you have to say is ‘investigate’ her? Don’t you want to see her?”
“Yes, I do,” Helena admitted with a firm nod. “I want to see everybody. Dean, Ray, Kate, Julia, Melissa… I even want to check on Joe. They mean a lot more to me than a niece I’ve never met. All in due time, though; all in due time.”
“Does that mean you’re coming back?” Raul asked as he raised an eyebrow, her words igniting the fire of hope within him. Still, the witch did not speak. Instead, her lips curved into an enigmatic smile, just before she dragged her gaze away from him. Helena focused on the couple’s sleeping daughter, as she folded her arms across her chest.
“What does your father think, my precious Helena? That I would abandon my own family to their fate? Is he serious? I will come back. Just not yet, ok? I would love to watch you grow up. I will not miss a thing,” she said with feeling, causing the Alpha’s heart to flutter in his chest. Her promise to his daughter splashed a feeling of joy, mixed with relief onto his face. Raul smiled to himself, and then shifted his gaze to his mate. The usually restrained Monica was grinning broadly up at him. Even in the pale moonlight, he noticed that red heat had flushed her cheeks.
“You guys must be tired,” Helena remarked, raising her gaze up to Monica’s. “I’d ask you to stay, but I only have one bedroom, and my couch is not what a mother needs after a long day. Go to your hotel. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Raul nodded, as his smile widened to a grin. Of course, he would happily oblige. He had received what he had flown to Jamaica for; and, much to his astonishment, without pressuring Helena at all. He had been dreading the thought of having to do so – let alone doing it – but now he didn’t have to. She could take all the time she needed. His beloved witch had given him – or rather – his daughter something that she would never break or forget: a promise.
Chapter Twelve
Raul might have been relieved that Helena would eventually return to Paxton, but
, as he, Monica and his daughter headed towards their hotel in Ocho Rios, it occurred to him that – without her knowledge – the witch had given him and his mate what they had not had: a honeymoon. Had Helena told them that she would never come back, it would be very difficult for him to stay in Jamaica. Although he would get a chance to see her a lot, every time they would meet, he would remember her denial. What would be the purpose of spending another day in the tropics, if he had failed in what he had set out to do? The prospect of spending some alone time with his mate, away from all the troubles of work in Paxton sounded very interesting to say the least. Seven days in a warm climate, far away from the freezing cold, and in the company of Helena as well, were not something that he would not normally pass on. In this case however, he would have to.
The Alpha was somewhat disappointed, as their cab driver drove them around in Ocho Rios. Even in February, it was bustling with people. Hordes of tourists were in the narrow streets, and most of them were too intoxicated to keep their voices down. Almost every bar in the area was packed. Raul’s senses were experiencing torment, not that different from the torment he suffered, every time he found himself in New York City. But, as their taxi pulled over outside their hotel, he was glad to discover that it was far enough away from all the noise. Indeed, it was least three hundred yards away from the nearest club. The loud, beating music was nothing more than a deep rumble. Still, its finest feature was not seclusion. A few minutes later, Raul found out that Monica had booked for them a room with a balcony, and a breathtaking view of the ocean. More than that, on the front edge of the balcony, there was a small staircase that led directly into the water. A night swim stood literally just a few paces away.
A true son of the mountain like him was never really a big fan of the sea. He belonged in the mountain, not in the ocean. Nevertheless, the scent of the iodine in his nostrils, combined with his fatigue, filled him with an uncontrollable urge to feel the warmth of the ocean on his skin. Raul pulled the porch door open sideways, and then began to get rid of his clothes in a hurry, as if his own life depended on his speed. He stopped at the edge of staircase, and cast a glance down at Monica, over his right shoulder. She was still tucking their daughter in. Without wasting any time, Raul jumped off. As soon as his toes made contact with the surface, he realized that Helena was not exaggerating when she described Jamaica as “heaven on Earth.” The water was indeed warm, a lot warmer than he had dared to believe. It engulfed his large, hefty body, as he fell into the ocean with a splash. Never in his life had he felt like this. It was as if he was floating in a gigantic bathtub, gazing out at the glorious reflection of the moon on the surface, as tiny waves splashed onto his chest and his back. However, as the sound of Monica’s footsteps on the balcony rang in his ears, he realized that this experience was about to become much, much better. She was wearing a yellow bikini. Her olive skin tone was glimmering deep golden amber in the moonlight. Unlike him, she chose to gracefully climb down the stairs, her gaze never wavering from his face.
“Lose the bikini,” he urged, pushing his hair back from his face. “Trust me; naked is better.”
Her only response to his remark came in the form of a sexy smile. Her curvy body sent ripples across the surface, as she submerged herself into the water. Raul’s heartbeat started to escalate as she reached out towards him. Finally, they could be intimate with one another in an ideal, romantic setting.
“I would rather if you took it off,” Monica whispered, as she curled her arms around his neck. Putting his hands on either hip, Raul pulled her close, as he tilted his head down. His wet lips covered her mouth, as she splayed her fingers over the back of his head. Her muffled whimper sent shivers down his spine, as he felt her heavy breasts, pressing against his body. The tip of his tongue teased the seam of her mouth, as she threaded her fingers through his hair. He craved her with every molecule of his being. The long abstinence, combined with their surroundings had sent his desire sky high. He was burning to spend a hot, steamy night with her, just like the ones before she got pregnant, when he would claim her body again and again until the early morning. Raul knew it was a fool’s hope, but he would not give it up. Monica’s fingernails raked his scalp, as she wrapped her legs around his waist. The feeling that simple move was enough to make the blood pulse in his veins. In an instant, he sensed every vein on his cock throb, trapped between their bodies.
“God, I’ve missed you so much,” Monica whimpered, as Raul flexed his arm muscles around her. Using his weight and strength, he pushed her back, toward the staircase, at the same time struggling to fight off the urge to take her, right there and then. The mere sight of her body had turned him on; their passionate kiss was testing his limits. However, the Alpha was not going to change his ways. One of the things that his doctor loved about him was his thoughtfulness. Why would he do something so reckless, and so out of character? Why should he even consider attempting anything that could potentially ruin their first night together in months? No, a quick, unsentimental encounter was out of the question. A light bump off the railing told him that they had reached their destination. Raul’s hands traveled down Monica’s body, as she stepped onto the stairway. A lustful sigh fled her lips, as he slipped his hands into her bikini bottoms. A rumbling snarl rattled in his throat as he squeezed the juicy flesh of her ass cheeks. His right index finger was tantalizingly close to her entrance. He even felt the softness of her pussy on his fingertip. But Raul quickly discarded the thought of penetrating her like that. He had other plans for that night. His hands crept around her waist, as her left hand slid along his shoulder. Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of her bikini bottoms, he pulled them down her legs, as Monica tilted her head back.
“Always my naughty wolf,” she breathed, her raspy voice filled with lust, sending waves of desire coursing through him, as she stroked his firm skin.
“I’ve never wanted you more,” he muttered under his breath, pulling her bikini bottoms off her feet. Taking the dripping material out of the water, he tossed it over his head, and onto the balcony. Eager to pleasure her, Raul put his hands on her waist. Her playful laughter filled his ears, as he pushed her body upward. Countless drops of water dripped off her legs and feet, as he pulled her out of the sea. The Alpha bit his lower lip, at the sight of her wet, half-naked body. Monica’s hardened nipples were ready to poke out of her top, whereas her shapely legs were glowing under the moonlight. Raul eased her down onto the top landing, locking his gaze on her eyes. Reaching behind her back, she undid the knot of her bra, and let it drop to the balcony floor.
“Never?” Monica whispered, drawing her gaze down to his chest. Ample water drops were rolling down his chiseled pecs, as he bent down towards her.
“Never,” Raul admitted, catching a glimpse of her glorious breasts, just before closing his eyes. Saltiness overwhelmed his taste, as his lips landed just below her stomach. Snaking his tongue out of his mouth, he collected some drops of water, as he reached up. A deep grunt escaped him, as his hands encircled her breasts. For a moment, he thought about focusing his attention on them. But, with his mouth just a few inches away from her pussy, he could not resist the temptation. Gently squeezing her beautiful globes, Raul started to kiss his way down her body, savoring the sound of Monica’s quickening breath, as she leaned against her shoulders. He trailed his index finger around her nipple, as his chin brushed against her clit. His big, stiff cock twitched, as his lips found her supersensitive area. Monica thrust her right arm up to cover her mouth, as he sucked her clit into his mouth. The Alpha would love to hear her pleasurable moans once again. Even so, he was ecstatic. She was his to dominate, worship and pleasure. With her muffled moans in his ears, he traced the tip of his tongue around her clit, as his hands slid down her body. Closing his lips around it yet again, he squeezed the sides of her stomach first, and then used his hands to spread her legs a little more.
“Oh, my God!” She groaned, pressing her wrist to her mouth, as she tossed her head back. Raul sw
irled the tip of his tongue around her clit, sliding his right hand closer to her pussy. By now, he could feel his balls tightening more and more by the second, aching to release all the energy that had been building up inside him for so long. Using his index and middle fingers, he spread her velvety pussy lips, as he flicked his tongue across her clit. Monica pulled her palm away from her face, as her loud, pleasurable moan filled the air. He loved to hear that sound… Not only did it turn him on, but it also told him that what he was doing to her had overwhelmed her so much that she could no longer attempt to stifle her cries of pleasure. Sensing her juices, mixed with sea water on his fingertips, he moved his mouth further down. Her softness on his lips made his heart pound against his chest, as he French kissed her pussy. Raul slipped his index finger into her, feeling her inner walls stretch around him, as a bigger wave splashed onto his back.
“I’m so close…” Monica whimpered, squeezing her eyes shut as her thigh muscles flexed. She bucked against his face, and he pushed his finger all the way inside her. Her words had come as no surprise to him. It was somewhat fast, yet it was nothing more than he expected. Abstinence had affected her, just as much as it had affected him. And Raul loved her confession. It spurred him on, compelled him to make this first orgasm special. Therefore, he snaked his tongue out of his mouth, driving his finger in and out of her, as Monica lay her back down on the balcony floor. Sensing the hardness of her clit on the tip, he used his free hand to stroke her inner thigh, as she squirmed beneath him. His doctor’s moans picked up in volume. Raul’s eyes snapped open; he was dying to catch a glimpse of her arousal. When he looked up at her, the sight that greeted him sent massive shots of adrenaline, rushing through his veins. Her eyes were shut, her face was twisting, she was licking and biting her lips, as moan after sexy moan fled her mouth. Slipping his middle finger into her as well, he started to nibble on her clit, feeling her hot, sticky juices on his skin. Once again, Monica thrust her arms up to cover her mouth, much to his dislike. But, he was not going to stop. Her entire body quivered beneath him, as her aggressive orgasm washed over her, stealing her breath. The waves were still subsiding, as he slowly pulled his fingers out of her. Raul laid one last kiss on her clit, and then opened his eyes, as she dropped her arms down on the floor.