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The Guardian Mikhail Page 5

  “How dare you!” he hissed at her.

  He lunged forward, and I moved to protect her but there was no need. Her hand shot up, and my father went flying into the wall. The artwork behind him falling to the ground as glass and drywall shattered around him. Veronica’s eyes narrowed as she advanced on him. I didn’t know what to do. It was a new sensation for me.

  “Veronica,” I cautioned.

  “No, he has threatened me, he has threatened you, and I am not going to stand aside and let him harm either one of us. I don’t know the extent of my powers, but if you push me, I will test their limits on you.”

  “Please, Veronica, let him go. This isn’t the way to do it.”

  “He tried to have me killed! By you!” she shot back.

  “I know he did, but he’s not worth the trouble now. I have made my decision, and I stand by it.” I reached out and took her free hand.

  Her other hand fell to her side as she smiled up at me. “I just want to be with you, Mikhail.”

  “Then let him go. There is nothing more that he can do to us.”

  “No, he will keep coming after us. He will never stop.”

  I laughed. “Then let him come! I think that you have given him and the Federation both a great deal to think about, don’t you? Look at him. You are doing all this, and we don’t even know how far your powers reach yet. We don’t even know how many others like you there are.”

  Her eyes lit up at the realization that she might not be alone in her gift. Not a human and not a fae left her somewhere in the middle, but I was going to help her find her path. My father fell to the floor, coughing and gasping for air.

  “There you go, Father. I think you should leave now,” I said to him, my hand never leaving hers, and my eyes staying locked on the woman that I knew I loved.

  My father looked back at me. “Mikhail, if you stay with her now, you will become an enemy of the Federation. You will never be welcomed back. You and she will be hunted until your final days when we rip you apart and you are locked away forever. She will still die, and you will have tossed away your life for nothing. Is that what you want?”

  I flinched at his harsh words. It wasn’t like I was shocked by what he was saying. It was well known that deserters of the Federation were not welcomed into freedom with open arms. They were hunted, as my father had said. He had put it gently, too. Immortals had long memories. I’d once heard a tale of a dragon who’d left the Federation at the turn of the century. One hundred years later, he was caught and tortured, and for all I knew, he was still locked away having organs ripped from his body.

  I’d had the same thing done once to me as part of Federation training to know how we would handle ourselves under torture. They took out my liver, and for three days my body fought to rebuild it and live without it at the same time. It was the worst three days of my life; the most excruciating pain I’d ever endured. That is, until I met Veronica. Even the thought of losing her wounded my heart.

  Taking Veronica’s hand, I smiled at him. “No father, it’s not for nothing. It’s for a chance to have a life that I know is right.”

  He stepped closer to us. “Mark my words, you will regret this. I don’t have to report back for twenty-four hours. I’ll expect to find you gone in that time.”

  “Thank you,” I muttered.

  “Don’t thank me. I just don’t want to be the one to bring you in. If I’m lucky, the Federation will send someone besides me to bring you in and kill her.”

  The anger started to build up inside of me. “You should go.”

  He nodded and said nothing more as he walked out the door. The entire room let out a sigh of relief. He was gone, but it wouldn’t be for long. We had twenty-four hours to get a plan together to disappear from the face of the Earth. It was a task that was damn near impossible to complete. There were spies with the Federation everywhere. Humans were oblivious to what was going on around them, at least most were.

  As with all things, though, Veronica was the exception to the rule. Of course, she wasn’t human. I wanted nothing more than to be alone with Veronica. Looking over to Rhett, he seemed to understand what I needed. With a simple smile, Rhett nodded his head and was gone in a little puff of smoke. Rhett always had a flare for the dramatic. It was one of his many interesting and loveable qualities.

  “Wow, I wish I could do that,” muttered Veronica.

  “Are you sure? You didn’t seem very fond of time travel before,” I replied.

  She gave me a strange look. “How did you know about that? We haven’t had time to talk about the time I spent with Rhett.”

  “I am not sure, to be honest. I just seem to feel the same thing that you do at times. I could sense your queasiness when you came back. Even if I didn’t know you were here, my gut seemed to realize it.”

  She squeezed my hand. “I guess that makes sense. I feel connected to you, too. Its why I came. I knew that you were in trouble. What do we do now?”

  I let out a ragged breath. What could I tell her? She was so new to everything in my world, but there wasn’t time to explain it all to her. I didn’t know that I had all the answers. The only thing that I knew for certain was that I wanted to be around her. She seemed to complete me in a way that I could only dream about. Now we were together, after everything that had happened. We were finally together, and everything was going to work out in the end. At least, that’s what I hoped.

  I pulled her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her slim waist. “We can do anything you want, Veronica. This is as new to me as it is to you. I guess we get to start over together.”

  She shuddered and gazed up at me, her piercing eyes dancing with a mix of emotions.

  “What is it, Veronica?” I asked softly.

  Veronica shook her head. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  “Talk to me. We can’t keep secrets from each other if this is going to work.”

  Stepping away from me, she spoke but wouldn’t look at me. “The visions haven’t changed any. I don’t understand it. When we touch, I still see you and your bride, and she is not me. There is still chaos and death. Coupled with the destruction of lives, it’s terrible. I don’t know how to block it out.”

  I pulled my hand away from her, not wanting to cause her any more pain. This couldn’t be right. The visions should have changed the second that I turned my back on the Federation and my father. What else could it mean?

  “Veronica,” I whispered, “I think we need to call Rhett back.”

  She nodded. “Hello, Rhett.”

  I spun around and saw my old friend smiling back at me.

  “Well, I have to say that I was expecting you would need my help, but this is fast. I thought you two would at least take some time to, ahem, get to know each other.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Rhett, Veronica is still having the same visions as before about my future when she touches me. She still sees me marrying the fae princess and the death and destruction that follow.”

  His eyebrows creased together. “That is odd. Are you sure that you have made the decision in your heart?”

  “Of course, I am! I just sent away my father and turned my back on the Federation! What further proof could be needed? This is insane.”

  “Easy, Mikhail. I am just trying to find an answer for you.”

  “Then go and find me something!” I yelled at him.

  I saw Veronica jump from the corner of my eye, and I regretted raising my voice at once. I took a deep breath and tried to gather my thoughts. Turning to Veronica as Rhett disappeared, I smiled at her.

  “Don’t worry, we will get it figured out. I want to know everything there is about you.”

  She smiled at me. “And I want to know about you. So, are you an only child?”

  I nodded. “My kind can only have one child. Most of the time, it’s a male. Female dragons are rare. Its why we frequently marry different species.”

  “Right, marriage,” she muttered, looking at her feet.

p; I sighed and sat down. “How is it that hours ago, I couldn’t see ten seconds into the future without you, but now everything seems jumbled.”

  She shrugged. “I refuse to accept what is going on here.” Veronica walked over to where I was sitting and leaned down until her lips were just inches away from mine. “I just got ahold of you, Mikhail. I’m not going to let you go that easy.”

  “But every time I touch you, you see that awful vision. I don’t want to keep putting you through that. I care too much about you.”

  She laughed softly, the noise making my body warm. I wanted to hold her and kiss every part of her body, but I was so scared of just making everything worse. She leaned forward, making the decision for me as her finger trailed up my chest to my chin. I gazed into her eyes and reached for her slowly, running my hands up her arms as all the worries of the world seemed to fade away into a distant dream.

  “Why don’t you let me decide for myself what I can handle for once, okay?” she whispered as she dropped down to her knees in front of me.

  I fell silent as her nails ran up my legs. I wanted her, and I wasn’t going to let anything come between us now.

  Chapter Six: Veronica

  I didn’t care about the visions anymore. My body was on fire for Mikhail, and I was tired of waiting. I grabbed hold of his jeans and quickly jerked them down, revealing his engorged shaft. I was no virgin, but my sexual adventures had been few. Still, he was huge! He was the largest man that I had ever seen. I was frantic for him. I wanted the romance, but at that moment, I just wanted to taste his skin. I wrapped my hand around his cock, pulling it free and licking my lips as he watched me, his mouth hanging open.

  I wrapped my lips around the tip of his cock, tasting his precum and shaking as my body grew wet. As the saliva slipped down his shaft and I buried it deep in my throat, all I could think about was feeling it inside my throbbing core, buried as deeply as it was now inside my throat. His hands went to the back of my head, pushing me down further as I gagged. I felt him growing harder in my mouth, and I knew he was close. I worked my mouth even faster, wanting to taste his seed.

  Just as he was about to release, he pulled away from me and I tumbled backward. With lightning speed, he was behind me, protecting me from the fall.

  “I’m sorry. I sometimes forget how strong I am.”

  I raised a hand and sent him flying away from me. Mikhail tumbled to the floor, unharmed and laughing. He knew that I meant him no harm. He was on his feet and pulling me to mine within seconds. Our bodies collided, and I had no complaints about it.

  “Follow me,” he whispered.

  I let him lead me to the back of the house as he pushed open a bedroom door. As he turned to me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked up at him, getting lost in his eyes without a care in the world. He lowered his head down to me, and our lips brushed against each other lightly. Every time he touched me, it was a new thrill. My core grew warm with desire. There was nothing that I wouldn’t do for him if he asked me.

  Without waiting, I kissed his thick neck and moved slowly up his bristled chin to his lower lip. When I playfully nipped at him, he smiled and pulled me tighter against his body. I took his lip into my mouth, suckling on him and relishing the sensations that his hands traveling down my body stirred. He tugged at my shirt, and I graciously lifted my arms for him as he cast it down to the floor.

  When our lips collided together, a spark of electricity passed between us. His kiss was soft, but forceful. I knew that he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. It was as if we were meant to be together as he plunged his tongue into my mouth, tasting everything that I had to offer him and toying with my own tongue until my knees felt weak, and all I wanted was to fall onto the bed and let him have his way with me.

  I mimicked his tongue with my own, flicking at his teeth and kissing every part of him that wasn’t clothed. As our desire became more frenzied, and the need to be together became stronger, I tugged at his clothing, frantic to feel his chest, and to see his glorious body in all its immortal beauty. He was just as perfect as I had expected, with his chiseled chest and soft tuft of chest hair.

  Leaning forward, I kissed his collarbone, then moved lower until one of his erect nipples was in my mouth. He sucked in a sharp breath as I bit at him playfully. Everything about him was flawless. He ran his hands through my hair, running them down my shoulders and leaving a trail of fire everywhere that he touched. I kissed lower on his body, his jeans already laying on the floor in front of us. I wanted to finish what was started before, but before I could move lower, he lifted me up and carried me the short distance to the bed.

  “It’s my turn,” he whispered softly.

  My heart raced as he towered above me, his hand running between my breasts to the button on my jeans. In one swift motion, he was tugging them down over my hips. His gaze never left my eyes. When I was naked, I took in the full glory of his body for the first time. Everything about him was perfectly chiseled, from his broad shoulders to his firm rear. His massive shaft bounced up and down as my eyes fell on it.

  As he climbed onto the bed and leaned forward, I closed my eyes, shuddering with desire and letting my inhibitions go. His lips trailed down my collarbone to the space between my breasts. When his hands finally cupped my breast, I arched my back, spreading my legs wider for him without intending to. Everything that he did drove me wild. His lips trailed up my breast, capturing my nipple as I had done to him.

  He started to suck on my erect nipple, and my fingers flew to his hair, tugging him down and crushing him against me. His other hand continued to move down my body, caressing my hip and moving closer to my core. I was on fire for him. I begged him silently to touch me more as he moved to the other nipple and tortured it in the same way as the other one. I moaned out in pleasure as he moved his hand up my leg, brushing against my wet core, but nothing more.

  “Please,” I begged him breathlessly. “Please, I need more!”

  He laughed softly. “Don’t worry, my love. We have all the time in the world.”

  I sighed, trying to control myself but struggling as his palm cupped my womanhood. He groaned, his hips moving forward, and I knew that he was just as desperate for my body as I was for his. Finally, after minutes of pure, torturous pleasure, he trailed one finger down over my hood and slipped it into my throbbing core. I arched my back and tangled my fingers in his hair, unable to control my wild inhibitions any longer.

  His finger plunged into my body, driving me wild as he spread me open. Mikhail continued to move further down, kissing a sweet, hot trail lower until his lips brushed against my pearl. My body tightened around his intruding finger as he licked at my pearl, slowly and torturously. When he began to suck on my maiden lips, I lost all sense of the world except his mouth driving me to the brink of insanity.

  The pleasure washed over me, drowning me until I could feel nothing but pure bliss. His finger moved inside of my body, and his tongue assaulted my delicate pearl. I convulsed around him, the pleasure making every fiber in my body stand on edge, ready to come crashing down in a climatic crescendo as soon as he would let me. I struggled to breath, whispering his name and begging him for mercy, but the plea fell on deaf ears as he feverishly licked my body until I couldn’t take anymore and the orgasm started to flood my hot core.

  He didn’t stop as I tried to pull him away. I wanted to feel his shaft buried inside of me, but he was busy driving me wild. My fingers and toes started to tingle, the tingle moving quickly to the core of my body as I thrust against his skilled lips. He lapped at my garden without mercy until the orgasm took over everything. I screamed out his name, the world around me bursting into a rainbow of lights that was full of colors I had never seen. I was blind to the rest of the world; only the pure, euphoric pleasure kept me grounded.

  He moved away from me, his rigid cock dripping with anticipation as he positioned himself between my legs. I saw the wild fire of passion in his eyes and wanted nothing more than to feel
him plunging himself inside of me. The tip of his shaft brushed against my swollen lips, and I moaned with desire. When he pushed himself into me – just an inch – I felt the true girth of him as my body stretched to accommodate his large size.

  “Tell me if I hurt you,” he whispered hoarsely.

  I nodded. “I’m ready.”

  He grinned and came down closer to me, his body covered in sweat as mine was. As our lips collided once more, he plunged his shaft into my body, and I screamed out against his lips. He didn’t move out of me as his cock stretched me open further than I ever thought was possible. I felt as though he was splitting me into pieces, but the delicious mixture of pain and pleasure was worth every sensation. When my lover did start to move again, his strokes were long and slow, giving my body time to adjust.

  As he began to thrust, my body started to shake and quiver. The need once again built inside of me with each thrust. A renewed orgasm started to peek at the surface as Mikhail pounded his engorged cock into my pulsing body. Each thrust brought a new sense of desire. Every time he pulled away from me, I felt empty without him filling my small body up to the brink of torture. I dug my nails into his back, and he growled. The primal sound was all I needed to fall over the edge of euphoria once again.

  He plunged into me, his cock growing ever harder as I begged him to climax with me. My sheath tightened around his shaft, milking his seed out of his body. As I began to quiver, the now familiar sensations rocking over my body, I let it take me away. The euphoria washed over me; heat from his body, and the sweet smell of burning embers filling my senses, and pushing me over the edge and into the brink of oblivion.

  Mikhail’s seed spilled into my body as his final thrust pushed him into the same oblivion that I was being held captive in. Our minds mixed together as our bodies stayed locked. There was nothing more that we could bond together on. We were now linked on a metaphysical level that I had never before dared to enter. Together, we explored the wild desires of our own bodies until, at last, the passage back to earth opened and we fell onto the bed and back into our bodies together, wrapped up in the throes of desire.