A Wolf's Desire (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 2) Page 36
“Devon? Are you all right?”
“I'm fine,” Devon answered. “But you may want to come watch the gates of hell open up.”
“Sorry?” Laura asked, confused, and then lowered her voice when the librarian glared at her.
“Maestro Desmond and Maestro Mariah are being called in front of the Jurors for improper conduct right now.”
“Holy…” Laura said as Christa's head popped up.
“What happened?” Laura asked as she stood up. She picked up the book she was halfway through. Christa was equally in a rush, listening carefully.
“No idea,” Devon answered. “I went to the cafeteria, and it was like the march of the damned.”
“Oh, my God,” Christa said, her hands shaking. “I told them this would happen.”
“This is ridiculous,” Laura said, as she promised Devon she would be there in a moment. “It's not like we haven't all been in that position.”
Christa paused, and Laura felt her stomach sink.
“I mean, some of us. This life isn't easy, and we've all been tempted at some point.”
“Temptation is not action,” Christa replied. “Nor is it prosecution. But Desmond was my Maestro, and I need to find out what's happening.”
“Right,” Laura felt her walls go up a bit more with the older woman. She had heard of witches being prosecuted for improper conduct, but she always thought they were just sloppy or careless. She had never seen Desmond and Mariah do anything improper. But what their Tiros knew, however, was a different story. From the look on Christa's face, she could see they knew more than what was in the public eye.
They made it out of the library just as the procession walked by. Christa's heart sank as she saw the way they were being escorted. It meant they had serious allegations against them, because the guards were on either side. They had their heads held high, and their wrists weren't bound, but they might as well have been.
“Desmond,” Christa said, getting his attention. She joined the procession, walking on the outside. The guards shifted, but she didn't try to push past them, and so they let her walk. “What can I do?”
“Christa,” Desmond gritted his teeth, “Nathaniel and Sienna are still in the med bay. Go there, take care of them.”
“Of course,” she said. She knew there was no point in asking him what the hell was going on. She could only offer her assistance as this played out. “Anything you need.”
“Do not let Tara near Sienna,” Desmond said, as they turned to the corner. “I don't care if you have to take her off-planet. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” Christa answered, as they went through the sliding doors. She touched Laura's arm, “I'm sorry. I have to go.”
“Of course,” Laura said. “Everyone is going to be abuzz with this in a moment. I should find my Tiro before this gets out of hand.”
“I'll see you,” Christa said, and headed down the hallway. It was only once she was halfway to the med bay that she had a vague memory of Nathaniel and Laura standing way too closely in the cafeteria.
Christa was starting to wonder if she was the only witch who could keep her hands to herself.
The sliding glass doors to the med bay opened, and she went straight through. But when she got to the room where Sienna had been kept, it was empty.
She spun around to find a passing healer.
“My apologies, I must be lost. I'm looking for Sienna? She was right here?”
“Sienna was discharged an hour ago,” the healer answered in a surly tone. “I have no idea where her Maestro has taken her. Good luck to her.”
“Discharged?” Christa answered in shock. “She was in no shape to be discharged.”
“I agree,” the healer paused. “But that was her Maestro's choice.”
“What in the world…?” Christa said as the healer walked away. She closed her eyes, searching the magic. She was a practical woman, and she wasn't about to run through the entire school, looking for Nathaniel and Sienna.
She wasn't bonded to either of them, but they both had a connection to Desmond, and so she attempted to route her magic backward through the bond. It was neither advanced or an exact science, but after a moment, she found Nathaniel's energy in the residential area.
When Desmond had taken her on, she had never thought she'd be the one rescuing him. She was so lost, so hurt, and she thought she would never pull herself out of her dark mind. She missed Diana so much, and yet, Desmond had healed that wound and made her a witch again. Now, he was counting on her.
She placed her palm onto Nathaniel's door, knowing that she was pre-approved. It slid open, and sure enough, there was Sienna, crashed out on his bed and breathing a bit raggedly. Nathaniel and Queen Eliza were sitting at the desk, and no one looked top form.
“Creator, Nathaniel, what's happening?” Christa asked as she felt Sienna's life force. “She shouldn't be here.”
“Tara nearly killed her,” Nathaniel answered grimly. “Desmond and I are done with the med bay here.”
“And somehow this turned into prosecution for Desmond for a relationship he's had for almost forty years?” Christa asked, confused.
“Tara's revenge,” Nathaniel answered. “And I'm sure this is just the beginning”
“Which explains why you two are hiding out here. No offense, your highness,” Christa answered as she sat at the edge of the bed. “She's in rough shape, Nathaniel. This is dangerous.”
“Don't I know it,” Nathaniel answered, biting his lip. Christa noted he had a grip on Eliza's hand. “I don't know what to do.”
“Where were you?”
“Library,” Christa answered, not thinking. “Laura and I were just…” And then she stopped herself, remembering that she wasn't going to mention that part to Nathaniel.
“Laura?” Nathaniel asked.
Eliza picked up on that tone. “Who's Laura?”
“Devon's Maestro,” Nathaniel answered smoothly. “The boy Sienna has been hanging around.”
“The blonde one?” Eliza answered. “She's pretty.”
“She's all right,” Nathaniel said, but his voice was practically an admission of guilt. Eliza looked like she wanted to say something, but kept her mouth closed. “What were you doing in the library with her?”
“Just killing time,” Christa answered. “I ran into her there. Anyway, what's your plan? Because until the Jurors present a case, we can't do anything. You know that.”
“So I just sit here and wait?” Nathaniel asked. He looked haggard, and Christa didn't blame him. Desmond was in trouble, Eliza's planet was in jeopardy, and Sienna needed help. He was torn in three different directions, and none of them had easy solutions. “I hate this.”
“Let's deal with this first,” Christa said, touching Sienna's wrist. “Tell me the truth, Nathaniel. If you keep her here, are you experienced enough to deal with what she might need? The way she is now?”
Nathaniel let out a long breath. “Maybe. So long as she gets better and not worse. She slipped because of what Tara did, not of her own accord. So we might be alright. But without Desmond…you know, it's so…” his face twisted. “It's stupid. Desmond has never been anything but devoted to the magic or the cause. Whether or not he's with Mariah should not matter.”
Christa gave him a painful smile. “You and I both know that Desmond has walked a grey line for a very long time. And while it's worked in his favor, the Jurors have never been pleased with it. Everyone is going to have to be more careful from now on.”
“I would take her to Jeffro,” Eliza said softly, “but the most advanced medical facility was in the palace. So obviously, that's not an option right now. I was due to speak to the Jurors at this moment, by the way. So my case has been sidelined.”
“You were supposed to speak to the Jurors now?” Christa's head whirled. “But they bumped you?”
Eliza looked confused. “Yes.”
hey can't do that,” Christa was recalling ancient systems into existence in her mind. “Your case is more pressing. Granting asylum is a human rights issue, and in addition, royalty has been attacked.”
“But I am currently safe,” Eliza pointed out. “And there have been no more attacks on Jeffro. Whoever was behind it wanted me dead, and me alone.”
“It doesn't matter,” Christa spoke quickly. “You are queen, so it overtakes any of our issues. It's an old law, but one that might work in our favor. As witches, we serve others before ourselves. You have to go now.”
“Go where?” Eliza asked, confused.
“Take her to the Jurors, Nathaniel,” Christa said. “And invoke the law of deliverance. They have to hear her case before Desmond's. And if you can drag it out long enough, it might give us more time to help Desmond.”
Nathaniel turned frantically to his lover. “Can you draw it out?”
“Nathaniel, I am a queen,” Eliza answered. “I can stand in front of the Jurors and speak for hours on end if I have to. Days. But are you sure this will work?”
“Yes,” Christa answered. “But you need to go fast before they see them. I'll stay with Sienna, Nathaniel.”
“Are you sure?” Nathaniel answered cautiously. “I mean–”
“I'm not going to let anything happen to her,” Christa assured him. “Just as I never let anything happen to you in your youth. She is my Maestro's Tiro; she takes priority.”
Nathaniel looked torn, but eventually accepted the offer. “Thank you,” he answered. “I appreciate it. Call me if anything happens.”
“Distract them,” Christa said. “That's all you need to do. Desmond will figure this out, I promise you. And Nathaniel?”
“Hmm?” he asked.
“Let go of Eliza's hand,” Christa gave them both a look. “Considering the situation…”
“Right,” Nathaniel looked guilty.
Eliza rolled her eyes, “For the record, I respect the witches. But I think this rule the worst one.”
“There's a rule about apologizing to flowers we step on,” Christa pointed out, and Eliza gaped. “Go, before it's too late.”
The two of them left the room, and Christa sighed, turning to Sienna. “So, little one,” she said as she opened the book she brought with her. “Let's figure out exactly what kind of magic you've gotten into, hmm?”
Sienna didn't answer, and Christa bent over the text, skimming it for ideas. She had a feeling that she wasn't going to like what she found, but she knew she had to move forward. If Eliza was actually dead, and Desmond was to be prosecuted, it was very possible that Christa would become responsible for Sienna. And she needed to understand exactly what she was capable of before it was too late.
Chapter 18
“When you said you felt a jolt, was it like this?” Laura handed Devon the book that she had been pouring over when he had called her. They were sitting in the common room, and everyone around them was swirling with the news of Desmond and Mariah. Laura was trying to get him to ignore the buzz and focus. She knew that he was worried about Sienna, but at the moment, he wasn't getting anywhere close to her. She pointed to a circle drawn in the book, and indicated the description.
Devon's head ducked down, skimming it.
When the wall between life and death is breached, it is felt by Nature, which is theorized to collapse around the spell. This collapse is believed to open a door between the living and the dead. A ripple effect could possibly be seen as Nature recovers from the spell. How far the ripple travels could depend on how powerful the spell is. Those brought back when the ripple happens are thought to be short-term returns.
“Wow,” Devon looked up at her. “I didn't think it was even possible.”
“As you can see,” Laura replied. “Even the book isn't sure. But does that sound like what you felt?”
“Yeah,” Devon answered, biting his lip. “It certainty felt like a jolt; it could totally have been a collapse. And then if there is a ripple effect, that would make sense about the other bird.”
“I can believe that,” Laura said. “The bird was only a few feet away, right?”
“Yes,” Devon answered. “And you have to believe me, Laura. I do healing magic, too. There's no way she could have simply just healed it.”
“I believe you,” Laura answered, skimming down the book. “Look, here,” she pointed to another section, her eyes wide.
It's thought that only witches who walk the line between life and death – who know that door well – can perform this type of magic. Their magic exists in both the world of the living and the world of the dead as it returns to Nature.
“Holy…” Devon said. “That sounds like her, doesn't it?”
“It does,” Laura answered. “Although, who would have thought that would work in her favor?”
Devon leaned back in disbelief. “I wonder if I can do that.”
Laura gave him a painful smile. “I don't think so,” she said. “You don't know that line, Devon. At least, not yet. And I pray that you never walk that line; that it is swift and painless, not long and drawn out.”
Devon blinked, grateful for his caring Maestro. “So, if she can bring people back from the dead, are they immortal? Do they live until they die again? Does it say?”
“All of this is theory, Devon,” Laura replied. “There's a case of a witch about two-hundred years ago who brought back her Maestro from a knife attack, and a nurse who had died in the attack walked out of the morgue that day.”
Devon shivered at that thought. He had seen dead bodies, and it seemed to be the one thing that stunned him into silence. “What happened?” he asked, not wanting to read anymore.
Laura paused, reading the rest of the article. “The nurse lived for about a week, and then she just died. The Maestro was brought back from direct magic, so she lived, it seemed, until natural causes took her.”
“Why don't we know about this?” Devon asked. “Why wouldn't anyone have heard of it?”
“A couple of reasons,” Laura replied. “The pair was on suspension and likely to be cast out of the order for disorderly contact. But in addition, this kind of magic, Devon, goes against Nature. It's unlikely that the Jurors would want to remember this kind of case. They'd be likely to bury it and ignore it.”
“But if it's real,” Devon said. “Then the people who have returned aren't going to be here for long. So, I guess we'll find out, shortly. We can't tell anyone about this.”
“What?” Laura answered, shocked. “Why not? This is a breakthrough.”
“And against Nature,” he answered. “She'll be damned for it. They'll judge her. She has enough problems already.”
“Oh, Devon,” she said. “You kind hearted sap.”
“But it's true, and you know it,” he replied. “If everyone knows she can do this, they'll judge her; they'll tell her she's not a real witch. But she is. She's more powerful than any of us know, and we should be in awe or learning from her. But they aren't going to be doing that, are they?”
“I don't know,” his Maestro answered truthfully.
“You should tell her Maestros,” Devon said. “They'll decide what to do. If it was me, wouldn't you want to decide whether that information goes public or not?”
“You're quite protective of her, hmm?” Laura asked with a smile.
Devon shrugged. “I like her. I really like her.”
She paused, and then decided to let it go. “Yes, if it was you, I would want someone to tell me,” she said. “And I'd decide whether the world can know or not. Her Maestros have quite a bit on their plates right now, though.”
“I know,” Devon leaned back. “What do you think will happen to Desmond and Mariah?”
“I don't know,” Laura answered truthfully. “He's quite senior, but that has never stopped them before. Whatever happens, though, is a lesson to all of us. To follow the rules. To be more careful.”
“I'm always caref
ul,” Devon answered back, feeling invincible.
“So were they,” Laura said. “Let's see if you can say that in forty years.”
“Won't be here in forty years,” Devon quipped back, and Laura looked away. That much was true, and who was she to deny him happiness before then?
“Come on, kiddo,” she said at last, standing up. “I need to feed you, and then you need to do homework before we go.”
“Go?” Devon answered in surprise. “Where are we going?”
“Despite all this swirling around us, we still have a quest to head out on. Three days from now, and it will be a two-day journey to the outer rim. So make sure to get what you need from your teachers, and pack for about three months.”
“We can't go for three months,” Devon said, and Laura raised an eyebrow.
“Why not?”
“Because what if…” Devon couldn't bring himself to say it. “Something happens?”
“We first serve Nature,” Laura answered, and he knew he couldn't fight that. Everything they stood for was because of that phrase. If he denied it, he would deny everything else.
“Of course,” Devon said at last. “But I do want to see her before I leave.”
“You will,” Laura answered. “I promise. Let's go.”
She escorted him out of the common room, trying to keep the mood light. But down the hall was where the Jurors' room was, and she would kill to be a fly on the wall.
Desmond and Mariah were sitting in the waiting room, absolutely silent. They had nothing to say to each other because they had discussed this situation numerous times before. To Desmond, it felt like a numbers game. One day, they were bound to sit here.
The question was whether or not they were going to get out.
The door whooshed open, and Thomas came to the door. He did not look happy, his face blank and his eyes clouded.
“Maestro Desmond,” he said. “Maestro Mariah.”
Despite the calm demeanor of the witches, everyone jumped at Eliza's roar. She came pushing through the doors, her head held high and her eyes ablaze. Nathaniel was behind her, looking more like something she had dragged along than her escort witch.